In Ashtanga yoga, on full moon and new moon days, we traditionally take a rest from asana practice.
Practicing Ashtanga Yoga over time enhances our connection to the natural cycles. Honoring the moon days allows us to recognize these rhythms and be more in tune with them, helping us to live in greater harmony with nature.
The dot symbolizes our one-pointed focus, the drishti, but in a wider sense also the moon.
Accompanied by a set of stickers to remind you of your focus throughout your day.
Concept, design, layout, prepress
55 x 85 mm
Sanskrit MantraPOSTER
Moon CalendarCorporate Design
Sanskrit Mantra – PrototypePoster (Prototype)
Sanskrit AlphabetPoster
S P A C Ecreation is happening
RMGGraphic Design
Handwerkskammer BerlinPublications, Icons
Verena NobisCorporate Design
LogotypesPrint & Web
© 2024 Heidi Scholze — Graphic Design
© 2019 Heidi Scholze — Graphic Design